apisantos produto mel


Hooney Honey is a product made by bees from nectar harvested in flowers. Basically honey is made up of water, fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose and other disaccharides, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, proteins, acids, amino acids and yeast. Honey is one of the few anti-bactericidal and easily digestible foods. In the hive is used as food…

apisantos corpoAbelha

Bee’s Body

Apis mellifera – has a very characteristic morphology and very distinct from the other solitary insects and bees and with marked differences between the three types: Queen, Obreiras and drones. Although part of the insect class has a specialized way of life, possessing particular mechanisms and structures. The domestic bee – Apis mellifera – is…

apisantos manuseamento


The beekeeper must – Look at the condition of the hives and their supports. – Make repairs when necessary. – Inspect the hives to verify the queen’s presence, production and storage of food (honey and pollen). – Posture of eggs, presence of enemies and diseases – Make the necessary arrangements so that this does not…

apisantos legislacao


Law Decrees Decree-Law No. 214/2003 https://dre.pt/application/dir/pdf1sdip/2003/09/216A00/60576060.PDF This decree-law of 29 April lays down the definitions, classification and characteristics of honey and the rules on the wrapping and labeling thereof, adopting the provisions of Council Directive No 74/409 / EEC of 22 July on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to honey.…

apisantos especies


Species Ants, termites, wasps, and bees are biologically similar to the suborder level. The differentiation between them starts at the superfamily level (for example, the ants are in the superfamily – formicoidea). The superfamily – Apidae includes the 20,000 species of bees, divided into nine families, among them the social bees belonging to the family…

apisantos epragas vespasiatica

Asian Scooter

Asian Scooter Asian Wasp arrived in Portugal and does not let the bees leave the hives After fungi, pesticides, climate change, habitat destruction, bees, now in a world decline, now have to deal with another threat: the Asian wasps. In Portugal, the region between Minho and Lima is most affected by these wasps. What would…

apisantos epragas varrose


Varrose Definition Varroosis is a parasitic disease that attacks all individuals of the hive: larvae, nymphs and adults, both workers and drones. It is a very serious disease caused by the development and multiplication of the ectoparasite mite Varroa destructor, discovered in the bee Apis cerana, by Oudemans, Indonesia (1904, Java Island). Being a long…

apisantos epragas loqueeuropeia

European Loque

European Loque Larvae with European foulbrood, showing yellow stripes that increase and become brown as soon as the larval tissue is destroyed. This appearance continues until the larva’s death. Definition Infectious-contagious disease affecting bees’ rearing in a few days, two or three days. It is characterized by producing morbid processes in the midgut, ventricle and…

apisantos epragas loqueamericana

American Loque

American Loque Causer agent American foulbrood is a bacterial disease produced by the bacillus Paenibacillus larvae (White, 1906) a flagellate mobile microorganism, which is in the form of a rod about 2.5 to 5 microns wide by 0.4 to 0.8 micros . A key feature of P. larvae is the formation of endospores, extremely resistant…

apisantos epragas ascosferiose


Ascosferiosis Ascosferiosis is an invasive mycosis that affects exclusively the larvae at three, four days of life. Also known as “create chalk”, due to its characteristic appearance and consistency that resemble the plaster fragments. It is the most frequent mycosis of the bee producing honey and is produced by the fungus Ascosphaera apis, which causes…